Opening Hours
We are open Monday to Friday 7:30am to 5:30pm, with the exception of public holidays and two weeks over Christmas and New Years break.
The Centre is Licensed by the Department of Human Services and all staff are required to abide by the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011.
We are Licensed to care for 38 children per day from the age of 6 weeks to 6 years.
$50.00 Enrolment fee payable upon enrolment.
Once your child’s enrolment fee has been paid you child will receive
a choice of either; a Busy Kids Hat, a Busy Kids T-Shirt or a Busy Kids backpack.
$115.00 per day for Preschool Room (from July 2023)
$120.00 per day for Baby and Toddler Room (from July 2023)
$125.00 per day for Casual Care (from July 2023)
Before and After School Care available upon request
Approved CCS Centre
CCS (Child Care Subsidy) is a payment to help eligible families, who use the service of an approved child care centre, with their weekly fees. We are an approved Child Care Service and our approval number is PR – 00003949.
For more information and clarification on the eligibility and application of benefits, families are encouraged to contact the Families Assistance Office on 13 61 50 to register.
Once families are informed of their of CCS entitlement we can then work out the expected fee payable to the Centre (The weekly gap fee). Until the CCS entitlement is linked to your child’s account, full fees will apply.
National Quality Framework (NQF) and National Quality Standard (NQS):
The National Quality Framework raises quality and drives continuous improvement and consistency in Australian education and care services.
The National Quality Standard (NQS) is a key aspect of the NQF and sets a national benchmark for early childhood education and care –
You will find more information on their website:
All services must go through an Assessment and Rating and the Service will be rated from its results in the Quality Areas.
BUSY KIDS is currently meeting National Quality Standards.
Arrivals and Departure
Parents must accompany their child into the Centre and we ask that you leave them in the care of an Educator. Please relay any information to the Educator that may help with your child’s day.
Parents MUST sign their child in via the electronic tablet attendance register.
When you come to collect your child, please speak with an Educator. The Educator will be able to let you know how your child’s day went, explain any incidents that may have occurred and to collect any medications.
Parents MUST sign their child out via the electronic tablet attendance register.
Children are to be collected by an authorised person (listed on the child’s enrolment form) unless the parents have notified the Centre otherwise, and the person collecting has been authorised by the parent/carer and is of legal age (18 years). If a person unknown to the Centre is collecting the child, they will be asked for photo I.D.
We will not release the child without a parent’s / carer’s permission, or to anyone under the age of 18 years.
Some families can find this process difficult, especially when you first start your care. We understand and recognise the importance of the emotion, and sometimes anxiety, that parents and children can feel as you transition from your home to the Centre.
As Caregivers, our educators offer support and understanding to help make the transition as easy as possible, for a positive experience for your family. We offer families, the opportunity to come in for an orientation visit to the Centre before you commence care. This gives you the opportunity to meet and to get to know the educator in your child’s room. Your child will be able to engage in play experiences, activities and routines, helping to become familiar and comfortable within their new environment. We ask you to stay in the room during the visit as reassurance for your child and to also experience the room setting.
Please ensure you supply an adequate amount of nutritionally balanced food and drink for the day.
Water only. It is vital to a child’s development that they have a nutritionally balanced diet.
The staff of Busy Kids Child Care will encourage your child to select healthy nutritious foods from their lunch box before choosing other food items.
Staff will role model good eating and drinking habits (staff will only have water whilst in the room with the children).
Lunch Box Ideas:
Morning Tea
Shared Fruit please bring a piece of fruit each day.
Sandwich or wrap—ham/cheese, vegemite, cheese, cold meat
Last night’s leftover pasta, casserole or rice dish
Yoghurt—with or without chopped up fruit
(buy a large tub and spoon it into a smaller container– cheaper than buying individual yoghurt/custard tubs)
Homemade pikelets—make a batch and freeze them individually
Afternoon Tea
Sultanas—buy in bulk and put in a small container
Carrot/celery sticks with cream cheese dip
Cheese and crackers with fritz
The Centre is required by law to have an up to date copy of all children’s immunisation details. Steps are taken at the Centre to control the spread of infectious diseases and to manage injury and illness. We abide by the ‘NO JAB, NO STAY’ policy.
If your child is not well enough to engage in their normal activities and routines they will not be permitted at the Centre. If your child has an infectious disease we will be guided by “Staying Healthy in Child Care” for the exclusion period.
We will notify parents if their child becomes ill and may ask for you to come and collect them. If the parents are unable to be contacted, the emergency numbers will be utilised.
All medication brought into the Centre must be handed over to a staff member to be stored out of the reach of children, in the lockable medication container or fridge. All medications are to be clearly labeled by a pharmacist. Parents are asked to complete and sign the medication permission form to allow our educators to administer the prescribed medication.
At the Centre we have strict hygiene practices to maintain our high-quality standard of service.
Educators encourage the children to follow safe hygiene practices, to help them develop their own personal hygiene by washing hands after toileting, after play, after nose blowing, before and after meals.
We ask parents to follow the Centres policies in safe hygiene practices.
Rest / Sleep Time
At Busy Kids Child Care we are able to provide bedding for the children at rest times, however, we encourage you to bring your child’s bedding in a bag for their use during sleep/rest time. Children are encouraged to rest throughout the day according to their individual needs and care routines. While children are resting, quiet activities will be offered to those who are not resting.
Safety, emergency & evacuation procedure
We do have emergency procedures posted in every area of the building. Upon arrival please familiarise yourselves with those found in the foyer. As per the regulations, we do carry out practice fire drills. If you do happen to be at Busy Kids Child Care while this is in the process, please follow the staff and lend a hand.
Sun Safety
Busy Kids Child Care educators follow a Sun Safe Policy ensuring that all children are wearing Sun Smart hats and clothing at all times. We supply sunscreen for the children. The staff will apply sunscreen throughout the day. Some parents supply their own sunscreen and that’s fine. We also ask for extra sun smart clothing to be packed in their child’s bag for water play etc. In the colder months, we ask for warm hats and coats. The children still need to run out in the fresh air, even in winter.
Lost property
We ask that all items of clothing you bring into care be named to avoid your belongings being misplaced.
This can be very upsetting. If named, it can be returned easily and won’t end up in the lost property pile.
The lost property is kept in the foyer area, and is cleared at the end of each month and either
used in the centre as spare clothing or donated to charity.